Jaroslav Ďaďo, Piotr Hadrian

A Process Approach to a Marketing Audit
Procesný prístup k marketingovému auditu

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 21, Number 2/2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2020.21.2.5-19

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Ďaďo, J., & Hadrian, P. (2020). Procesný prístup k marketingovému auditu. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 21 (2), 5-19. doi: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2020.21.2.5-19

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Ďaďo, J., & Hadrian, P. (2020). A Process Approach to a Marketing Audit. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 21 (2), 5-19. doi: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2020.21.2.5-19

This paper examines the problem of a marketing audit. The goal of the article is a scientific reflection on the model presentation of a marketing audit. Review of the marketing literature on a marketing audit presents various conceptual, structural or process models in a historical perspective. Yet, these proposals did not play a role significant enough to make auditing a widely used marketing control tool. That is why, authors presents an outline of the proprietary marketing audit model (in a process approach), which can stimulate its popularization in marketing management practice.

Key words: Marketing control. Marketing strategic control. Marketing audit. Marketing audit model.