Andrzej Hurło

The Scope of Government’s Support for Enterprises in Poland due to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Rozsah vládnej podpory podnikom v Poľsku v dôsledku pandémie koronavírusu

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 21, Number 2/2020

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Hurło, A. (2020). Rozsah vládnej podpory podnikom v Poľsku v dôsledku pandémie koronavírusu . Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 21 (2), 20-30. doi:

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Hurło, A . (2020). The Scope of Government’s Support for Enterprises in Poland due to the Coronavirus Pandemic . Journal of Economics and Social Research, 21 (2), 20-30. doi:

As coronavirus emerged, the supporters of direct government interventions received additional arguments in their favour. Currently, almost every government at the globe is directly influencing national markets to decrease the economic impact of COVID-19. The author observes a paradox in COVID-19 situation – we can observe implementation of short term government policies to liberalize labour market, decrease employees’ rights and direct funds to compensate for the decrease of demand. Yet, from economic theory, government actions are mostly considered to have a negative effect on the market. The author used present literature and reports of public and private institutions, which allowed to conclude, that while yet ongoing, the coronavirus effect may be overcome by the global economy in a little more, than a year. The objective of the paper is to evaluate the legitimacy of support for businesses from Polish government. This paper broadens the aspect of economic effects of COVID-19 outbreak and the scope of response of Polish government.

Key words: Coronavirus. Economy. European Union. Poland. Anti-crisis shield.