Barbora Mazúrová, Ján Kollár

Alokácia času v prospech platenej práce a s ňou súvisiacich aktivít na Slovensku
Allocation of time in favor of paid work and related activities in Slovakia

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 21, Number 2/2020

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Mazúrová, B., & Kollár, J. (2020). Alokácia času v prospech platenej práce a s ňou súvisiacich aktivít na Slovensku. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 21 (2), 113-125. doi:

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Mazúrová, B., & Kollár, J. (2020). Allocation of time in favor of paid work and related activities in Slovakia. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 21 (2), 113-125. doi:

The aim of the article is to quantify and compare the length of total time spent with paid work (within working hours, beyond working hours and commuting) of the respondents based on gender and to identify the nature of its overlaps with the respondents’ private lives based on their subjective feelings of satisfaction. We processed the analytical part based on primary data which were obtained through the questionnaire survey conducted in 2018, and which was part of the VEGA n. o. 1/0621/17 research project. 1 819 respondents, who were part of 732 households, participated in the questionnaire survey. Through the analysis of the survey results we found out that men spend more time in favour of paid work and related activities compared to women. Simultaneously, we can state that these activities are unlikely to have significantly more negative impact on women’s private lives than on men ones.

Key words: Paid work. Commuting to and from work. Time allocation. Work-Life Balance.