Peter Mihók

The Current Challenges of Applied Social Science Research of Radon Spas’ English Language Marketing Activities on the Internet: Selected Desk Research Results
Aktuálne výzvy aplikovaného spoločenskovedného výskumu aktivít internetového marketingu radónových kúpeľov v anglickom jazyku: vybrané výsledky sekundárneho výskumu

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 22, Number 1/2021

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Mihók, P. (2021). Aktuálne výzvy aplikovaného spoločenskovedného výskumu aktivít internetového marketingu radónových kúpeľov v anglickom jazyku: vybrané výsledky sekundárneho výskumu. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 22 (1), 55-76. doi:

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Mihók, P. (2021). The Current Challenges of Applied Social Science Research of Radon Spas’ English Language Marketing Activities on the Internet: Selected Desk Research Results. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 22 (1), 55-76. doi:

This paper summarises the challenges for applied social science research of radon spas’ English language marketing activities on the internet. Our desk research results suggest that, in contrast with at least nine German and three Austrian radon spas (members of the European association of radon spas EURADON) the number of radon spas in the rest of the EU may be lower. Because we limited our research to spas whose internet webpages containing an English language sections, we have identified only seven such radon spas. We have found very significant differences with regard to size and form in which medical radon therapy has been advertised and explained in the English language at these websites. A combination of theoretical challenges, a lack of relevant English language academic publications in a field of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and some specific research accreditation related to national laws contribute to the challenges in SSH research discussed in this paper.

Key words: Spas. Radon medical therapy. Health tourism. Medical tourism. Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).