Ivana Kuráková, Anna Vallušová, Jana Marasová

Measuring the digital divide in the V4 countries using the digital divide index
Meranie digitálnej priepasti v krajinách V4 s využitím indexu digitálnej priepasti

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 22, Number 1/2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2021.22.1.77-93

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Kuráková, I. & Vallušová, A. & Marasová, J. (2021). Meranie digitálnej priepasti v krajinách V4 s využitím indexu digitálnej priepasti. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 22 (1), 77-93. doi: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2021.22.1.77-93

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Kuráková, I. & Vallušová, A. & Marasová, J. (2021). Measuring the digital divide in the V4 countries using the digital divide index. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 22 (1), 77-93. doi: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2021.22.1.77-93

This paper focuses on examining the differences in access and use of ICT in selected risk groups of the population in V4 countries. It is a question of digital inequality and the digital divide, which are a threat to the progress of the whole society because they cause digital exclusion. Based on the theoretical framework of this concept, the authors examine the extent of this exclusion in the year 2019 in the Visegrad Group countries, using a modified digital divide index. The analysis confirmed significant differences in ICT access and usage among older people, individuals with low education and low income in comparison to the average population. The extent of these inequalities varies in V4 countries, although there is no significant difference in the development of infrastructure or other social inequalities. Available data show that Hungary has the lowest level of digital equality lagging behind other countries in the level of trust in information and services provided online and in perceived security.

Key words: Digital divide. Digital inequality. Digital skills. Digital divide index.