Bohumír Krátky, Mária Murray Svidroňová

Klubové organizácie humanitárneho typu: manažment ich služieb a prínos pre spoločnosť
Club organizations of humanitarian type: management of their services and benefits for society

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 22, Number 1/2021

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Krátky, B. & Murray Svidroňová, M. (2021). Klubové organizácie humanitárneho typu: manažment ich služieb a prínos pre spoločnosť. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 22 (1), 94-115. doi:

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Krátky, B. & Murray Svidroňová, M. (2021). Club organizations of humanitarian type: management of their services and benefits for society. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 22 (1), 94-115. doi:

The aim of the article is to analyse the strategic management of services of a selected international humanitarian organization, which with the help of its members provides emergency assistance around the world. By achieving its goals at the same time, the organization contributes to the fulfilment of the public/general interest. The article responds to a common opinion that non-governmental club-type organizations, which are part of international humanitarian organizations, provide mutually beneficial services, in particular for their members or a close group of people. The main method used is a case study to analyse data from the international humanitarian organization Lions Clubs International. The case study shows not only the ways of strategic management of services provision, but also points to the need and appropriateness to intervene in decisions during the actual implementation of activities and performance of the organization.

Key words: Non-governmental organizations. Strategic management. Lions. Welfare services. Well-being services.