Jana Matejčíková, Darina Rojíková

Úloha potenciálu mesta pri budovaní značky mesta
The role of the city’s potential in city branding

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 22, Number 1/2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2021.22.1.116-136

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Matejčíková, J. & Rojíková, D. (2021). Úloha potenciálu mesta pri budovaní značky mesta. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 22 (1), 116-136. doi: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2021.22.1.116-136

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Matejčíková, J. & Rojíková, D. (2021). The role of the city’s potential in city branding. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 22 (1), 116-136. doi: https://doi.org/10.24040/eas.2021.22.1.116-136

Based on a theoretical overview, the paper defines the relationship between the city brand and the city’s potential. The aim of the paper is to identify the role and extent of using the potential in branding of selected European and Slovak cities. The results of the Anholt Ipsos Brand City Index and Resonance World´s Best Cities rankings were used to analyze the use of potential in branding of 14 European cities. For the needs of analysis of the potential in branding of 8 Slovak regional cities, new rankings were used, based on 24 key factors that people consider most important when choosing a place to live, visit, do business and invest. The results of the analysis confirm the assumption that the recognizability of the city as a brand is higher in cities with better potential. The conclusion of the article summarizes the results of the research and points out the possibilities of city branding, especially in Slovak cities.

Key words: City branding. City potential. City brand. City.