Adriana Novotná

Teoretické východiská skúmania konkurenčných paradigiem medzi bankovou stabilitou a konkurenciou
Theoretical examining of competitive paradigms between banking stability and competition

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 23, Number 1/2022

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Novotná A. (2022). Teoretické východiská skúmania konkurenčných paradigiem medzi bankovou stabilitou a konkurenciou. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 23 (1), 50-68. doi:

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Novotná A. (2022). Theoretical examining of competitive paradigms between banking stability and competition. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 23 (1), 50-68. doi:


An extensive empirical literature aims to examine the relationship between competition and stability investigating whether bank competition mitigates or exacerbates financial stability. This paper deals with the description and explanation of the competition-fragility and competition-stability paradigm and describes some related arguments and effects associated with the paradigms. It also presents the possibilities of measuring the relationship between competition and stability in banking. The aim is to evaluate the historical and present view of the current situation and contribute to the clarification of terms in Slovak terminology. Investigated studies differ in many aspects and reveal findings that trade-off between bank competition and stability has been controversial issue that can motivate researchers to find integration in mixed research methods.

Key words: Banking sector. Competition-stability paradigm. Competition-fragility paradigm.