Kristián Čulík, Vladimíra Štefancová, Karol Hrudkay

Legislatívne zmeny v taxislužbe a ich dopad na vozidlové parky podnikov poskytujúcich taxislužbu
Legislative changes in the taxi service and their impact on the vehicle fleets of companies providing taxi services

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 24, Number 1/2023

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Čulík, K., Štefancová, V. & Hrudkay, K. (2023). Legislatívne zmeny v taxislužbe a ich dopad na vozidlové parky podnikov poskytujúcich taxislužbu. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 24 (1), 5-31. doi:

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Čulík, K., Štefancová, V. & Hrudkay, K. (2023). Legislative changes in the taxi service and their impact on the vehicle fleets of companies providing taxi services. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 24 (1), 5-31. doi:

This article aims to describe the development in the field of taxi services after legislative and technological changes. Nowadays, passengers can use digital applications from foreign providers in this area. These apps have significantly changed the way of transportation ordering. The mentioned changes subsequently provoked a reaction from the government and a legislation change. In this article, the authors processed statistics in issued concessions, the number of taxi vehicles and the number of technical and emission inspections of taxi vehicles. This statistic shows that the change in market access conditions has significantly increased interest in operating a taxi service. The article also contains an overview of controversial marketing and financial measures by the digital platform Bolt. Authors also discussed the possibility of electromobility introduction in field of taxi services.

Key words: Taxi. Business. Mobility. Legislation. Market. Electromobility.