Roman Klimko, Anetta Čaplánová, Eva Sirakovová

Increasing citizen involvement in participatory budgeting
Zvýšenie zapojenia občanov do participatívneho rozpočtu

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 23, Number 2/2022

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Klimko, R, Čaplánová, A., Sirakovová, E. (2022). Zvýšenie zapojenia občanov do participatívneho rozpočtu. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 23 (2), 26-34. doi:

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Klimko, R, Čaplánová, A., Sirakovová, E. (2022). Increasing citizen involvement in participatory budgeting. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 23 (2), 26-34. doi:

The purpose of this study is to present findings from a research project which investigates the possibilities of how to improve citizen involvement in participatory budgeting. We collaborated with the town of Hlohovec, Slovak Republic. We used behavioural interventions to increase the number of both projects submitted and voter participation. A database of existing interventions and an overview of suitable interventions were prepared. We used a design specifically developed for the town of Hlohovec. Our intervention was focused on flyer design and aimed at all citizens. We modified flyers using the knowledge of behavioural science. Two redesigned flyers were created and two different slogans are used for each redesigned flyer. The intervention we implemented in the town of Hlohovec appears to have been highly effective in increasing the number of voters. However, a big challenge for the future is to find a way how to filter effects of support activities to increase citizen involvement prepared by the town. The behavioural intervention we developed can be used in any other municipality in which there would be an effort to solve the lack of interest in participatory budgeting.

Key words: Behavioural intervention. Participatory budgeting. Slovakia.