Filip Smutný

Unikátna schopnosť empatie v prípade slovenských manažérov
A unique ability of empathy in the case of Slovak managers

Ekonomika a spoločnosť, Volume 24, Number 1/2023

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:
Smutný, F. (2023). Unikátna schopnosť empatie v prípade slovenských manažérov. Ekonomika a spoločnosť, 24 (1), 51-63. doi:

Recommended form for quotation of the article:
Smutný, F. (2023). A unique ability of empathy in the case of Slovak managers. Journal of Economics and Social Research, 24 (1), 51-63. doi:

Being able to put oneself in another’s situation is truly a mastery skill that builds a manager’s personality, team spirit and mutual trust. The aim of the paper is to declare the real importance of an empathy in a managerial work, as well as to present the results of empathy quotient on a sample of Slovak managers. For the examining, we used the Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright self-assessment test of empathy on a sample of 707 Slovak managers. Through our research, we conclude that Slovak managers have an above-average level of empathy. These positive findings opens up space for its implementation in every day work and also to reevaluate value preferences by knowing what makes a real sense. Secondary and primary survey results declare the fact that the right amount of empathy is not a sign of weakness, but of a person’s greatness.

Key words: Empathy. Manager. Personality. Relations. Humanity.